Gumilev L.N., Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John (Cambridge University Press. 1988)Map 2. Middle Asia in the Twelfth Century (Russian versian)
General note. Compared with the preceding map, the reduction in the number of Turkish tribes and their replacement by several large Mongol ones which now form the main complement of the steppe is striking. The Turkic tribes, with one exception, adopt either Jurchen (Ongut), or Muslim (Karluk, Kalach, Kengerlu) culture. The Kipchak are the exception, but even they, too, on the western border of the steppe enter the region of Russian-Byzantine culture. The genuinely steppe tribes (Zubu) and the Kara-Khitan seek independent paths of development and find them by accepting Nestorianism or Bon. The confessional indicator of community gradually supersedes the tribal one. LinksFollow pages refer to this map:
Map was created by A. Rodionov in 2008
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